The Absolute Beginners Guide To Amos ------------------------------------ You are now using the Public Domain utility PPmore. Press the HELP key now for instructions. This disk is set up so you can use an epson compatible printer to print out the articles if you wish. To use the Amos programs supplied you will have to load Amos, see below. When you are reading text from inside PPMORE you need not quit each time, you can instead press "L" on your keyboard and you will be presented with a file requestor. Open the TEXTS drawer and you can select your chapter from there by double clicking on the file name. How to read this book while using Amos ====================================== Load Workbench. Load Amos. Hold down the left Amiga key and press A. You will now flip to Workbench. Insert this disk and double click on the disk icon. Double click on the text file you wish to read. When finished press Amiga A again to nip back to Amos where you can load in the example Amos programs. You can do this until the cows come home.